Found this post by my friend
Jenn. She heard about making Dulce de Leche by boiling cans of sweetened condensed milk. Since I am looking for an alternative corn syrup-free caramel recipe I decided to give it a try. All you do is put unopened cans in a dutch oven, cover it with water and simmer-3 hours for a nice topping, longer for candy. I'll try longer next time, but the three hours was perfect for topping. A word of caution-check often to be sure the can is still completely covered with water. I hear it can blow up if it isn't. I had no trouble-just kept setting the timer for an hour and would add water then. Take out, let cool a while, open and enjoy.

Oh, my! Hubs and I have already eaten our way through most of the first can, and I'm sure the second won't last much longer. We just love it as a dip for apples, and it is completely allergen-free for me.
glad you were able to give this a try....I love borrowed ideas (but hate when I can't remember where I got it from) Oh well...glad it was so tasty!